
Showing posts from January, 2023

The three 'M's of National Development

  The reason I decided to write this out of the box blog is that these remedies of national development that have been there in my head since ages immemorial 😅😂. Let us explore the three M s one by one  Meritocracy Integrity : The First 'M'. The very first M of national development is meritocracy integrity. Reservation that had started as a result of severe oppression faced by a particular weaker section of society is NOT a wrong thing but its implication has totally gone wrong. Reservation to whomsoever it may concern, must be given on the basis of attainment of financial stability. Once a family attains financial stability using reservation benefits that family should NOT again be given reservation and then even they should be evaluated on the basis of General merit. Military Diplomacy : The Second 'M'. This simply means that even the armed forces of the nation that truly wants to develop should actively participate in diplomatic relations. In our country, recently