The three 'M's of National Development


The reason I decided to write this out of the box blog is that these remedies of national development that have been there in my head since ages immemorial 😅😂.

Let us explore the three M s one by one 

Meritocracy Integrity : The First 'M'.

The very first M of national development is meritocracy integrity. Reservation that had started as a result of severe oppression faced by a particular weaker section of society is NOT a wrong thing but its implication has totally gone wrong. Reservation to whomsoever it may concern, must be given on the basis of attainment of financial stability. Once a family attains financial stability using reservation benefits that family should NOT again be given reservation and then even they should be evaluated on the basis of General merit.

Military Diplomacy : The Second 'M'.

This simply means that even the armed forces of the nation that truly wants to develop should actively participate in diplomatic relations. In our country, recently this change has been seen significantly with appointment of Chief of Defence Staff. The CDS has powers of secretary level to which, generally the IAS officers are entitled to. This 'M' is necessary because defence affairs are not everyone's cup of tea.
There are certain things that only veterans learn with their experience and they are best aware of the current and upgrading defence needs. Hence foreign heads directly meeting our defence chiefs can be seen as an affirmative change.

Moral Education : The Third 'M'.

This is the third and most important 'M' but unfortunately, the above two being so much in the limelight, this third but the most important, last but not the least is rarely spoken about. A huge tree stands only because its root penetrates deep into the Earth. A tree can withstand devastating cyclones if the roots are strong enough. So, if a developed nation is a huge tree then we, as the population of the nation are its roots. All of us need to penetrate deep inside us, i.e. introspect ourselves. We must cherish the basic moral values that have been inculcated within us since our childhood. All the good manners that we learn right from our childhood, like, throwing garbage in thrash bins, segregating dry and wet waste, saying no to alcohol and drugs, respecting women and saying no to corruption all this basic things directly or indirectly help in national development. 

I would like to end this blog with a quote of some great personality

A great personality once quoted:

"Rather than thinking about what this nation can give you always think what you can give to this nation."

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  1. Bhari bhava. Intro masta hota.content pan masta despcriptive hota

  2. Hi GyanData 😀,
    The blog was very informative, as well as entertaining. But just one problem I felt, was the irritation caused by the GIFs, while reading the content surrounding it. It'd be good, if you do mid my opinion and avoid using GIFs commencing the next blog. Thanks, again for the information...

    1. Thankyou for commenting sir. We always welcome such constructive feedback and we will ensure minimal use of gifs from next time...


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