How To Become a Submariner in India!?

How To Become a Submariner in India!?

The heading, rather the question, seems interesting, right? Let me tell you guys, the only way to become a submariner in India, which is joining the Indian Navy. You can join Indian navy as a sailor or an officer, it's completely your choice. But here we are not talking just about joining the Indian Navy but rather are talking about joining the submarine arm of it. Now let me tell you guys there exist no selection process for joining the Indian Navy's submarine arm, If you are a personnel you can directly volunteer to join the Indian Navy's submarine arm. If you are fit you will be sent to INS Satvahana for further training in Vishakhapatnam. But remember, the training as well as life in submarine is very tough. It takes balls to volunteer for the submarine arm. It's a highly classified arm of the navy and you can't even tell your family members for how many days you are going and what work you do on submarines. If you are really interested in adventurous experience and are ready to sacrifice your comfort zone for the sake of this great nation, go and just give it a try! I'm dam sure you'll make it! 

Jai Hind!

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  1. I would like to see others being happy even if I'm not happy(answered to your profile's question).

    1. Thank you sir
      Overwhelmed to get response from you


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