Bhavsagar: The Cosmic Ocean!!!

"Kewat re kewat badi bhagi teri naiyya...

  Aaj teri nayya mein biraje, bhavsagar ke khivaiyaa!!"

Kewat, a professional who owns boats and helps people cross rivers, played a significant role in the story of Lord Rama, Goddess Sita, and Lord Lakshman during their period of vanvaas (exile). They needed to cross the holy river Ganga, which was wide and deep, making it impossible to cross on foot.

Sri Ram, accompanied by the king of Nishads, Sri Nishadraj, called upon the kewat to serve them. During the reign of Ramayana, all the people on Earth were incarnations of various gods who had come to serve Lord Vishnu in the form of Rama. However, Sri Ram himself was unaware that he was Lord Vishnu (Parameshwar).

The kewat, eager to wash and touch the holy feet of the supreme with Ganga Jal (water from the Ganga), started arguing with Sri Ram. He explained that Sri Ram's feet were miraculous, as he had stepped on a stone which got converted into an Apsara had emerged. The kewat feared that if Sri Ram stepped directly onto his boat, it would transform into a woman, and he wouldn't be able to provide for his family.

After pleading with Sri Ram, he was finally allowed to wash Sri Ram's holy feet. Only then did the kewat allow Sri Ram and his companions onboard and help them cross the river.

Once they reached the other side, the kewat stood before Sri Ram. The Lord assumed that the kewat wanted money and Sita Mata gave her ring to Sri Ram to offer to the kewat. However, the kewat rejected it, saying:

"A barber never charges a barber,

A washerman never charges a washerman,

Likewise, even you are a kewat, and even I am a kewat."

The deeper meaning of this line is that the ultimate aim of every living being, here and in parallel universes, is the unification of the soul with the supreme soul. Spirituality emphasizes self-realization, understanding that we are all souls and that this world is the mere imagination of the supreme soul.

When the kewat says, "even you are kewat," it implies that there is no difference between the supreme and the kewat. It signifies the unity of all beings.

Now, let us explore an even deeper meaning. The kewat expresses that he does not want anything in return. He simply requests one favour from the Lord: just as he helped Sri Ram cross the magnificent river that resembles an ocean, he asks the Lord to help him cross the cosmic ocean, the bhavsagar.

Let us delve into some related stories. We are familiar with the famous devotee Pralhad and how his father Hiranyakashipu was killed by Lord Vishnu in the form of Narsimha.

Hiranyaksha, the real brother of Hiranyakashipu, was killed by Lord Vishnu's Vraha avatar. Vraha was Lord Vishnu's third incarnation, taken to save the entire planet Earth and retrieve it from the cosmic ocean where Hiranyaksha had hidden it. Paintings and carvings depicting the Vraha avatar lifting the spherical Earth from the cosmic ocean have existed since ancient times, providing evidence that our planet is indeed spherical.

Moving forward in time, we come to the period of Shripad Shrivallabh, the reincarnation of the almighty trinity, Shri Dattatreya Maharaj.

Shripad Shrivallabh performed numerous miracles in front of the people of the village where he lived, as well as in front of his parents. When he visited Narsavadhani, a scholar of Vedas and puranas, and a devoted follower of Shri Dattatreya Maharaj, an incident occurred. Despite being a devotee, ego took hold of Narsavadhani, leading him to insult Shripad Shrivallabh. This resulted in devastating effects on Narsavadhani's health, and he died. However, Shripad Shrivallabh revived him due to the holy deeds of Narsavadhani's consort.

Shripad's parents and grandparents had previously performed various rituals to understand who Shripad truly was. Witnessing the miracle of reviving a dead person and seeing the larger-than-life form (Viraat Roop) of Shripad Shrivallabh, they surrendered to him, asking him to reveal his true identity. Shripad replied, "I am none other than the almighty trinity Dattatreya. I exist in every part, particle, and everything."

This brings us to the statement made by Shripad Shrivallabh concerning birth and life. He said, "Death is not the end; it is just a part of the cycle of birth and death."

The mode of transportation between the heavenly planets or lokas is the cosmic ocean, the Bhavsagar.

Now, let us move forward in time and discuss the story of Shri Santshreshtha Dnyaneshwar Mauli. Shri Dnyaneshwar himself was the reincarnation of Lord Panduranga (Vitthal). He acquired his knowledge and siddhis (spiritual powers) through Chaitanya Sadguru Shri Nivruttinath, who in turn received them from Shri Gahininath. Sant Dnyaneshwar was famous across the nation during his lifetime, and people sought his blessings.

One day, an elderly couple visited the holy village of Alandi to seek darshan (vision) of Sant Dnyaneshwar. After meeting him, the couple expressed that all their wishes had been fulfilled, and it was now time for them to leave the mrutyu lok (Earth) and embark on a new journey. However, they were afraid of what awaited them. With his yogic powers, Sant Dnyaneshwar accompanied the elderly couple to the Bhavsagar, from where he peacefully and properly returned.

I told you so many things, I was about to tell you the story of Jai and Vijay also but then I realised that this much pre requisite knowledge is enough to understand about "Bhavsagar: The Cosmic Ocean!"

All of you reading this blog, me who is writing this blog, all of us are humans. Congratualtions! Asking me why? Because we reside in the mrutyu loka (Earth) below earth their are seven more lokas which we often refer as Narak and above earth there are seven more lokas which we often refer to as Swarg and before we got this human body we have already taken 83,99,991 births out of 84,00,000 births that we are supposed to take and at the 84 lac th birth we will reach the Vaikuntha lok or the Kailas lok from where it all started. Bhavsagar is nothing other than this mrutyu lok and the 14 lokas combined. We just have to cross them. And now remember we just have to take 8 more births to merge into the supreme. But in case a person commits suicide, its quite possible that the cycle again starts from the 0th life. Keep chanting the holy name of hari and har and one day we will all be there.

If you are a spiritual or curious person, you will enjoy reading this blog.

Also, don't miss out on this fascinating read.

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Thank you very much, Jai Hind! 🔥🔥

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